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Rare issue: Due to possible engine bug picture can be very dark or white, please tweak Exposure value in Post-Process(PP_Main) Update 1.7 New Lighting 4K: Features Preview: Glass/Windows Destruction(Apex Plugin, Additional files in Descrpition UE4 Only): Open World Optimization:…Read More »
Houdini 20.5 includes hundreds of new workflows and improvements including the MPM solver for solid mechanics, Copernicus for image processing, Quick Surface Materials for access to Material X and new rigging and animation tools. Modeling & UX Modeling tools include an updated…Read More »
Houdini 20.5 includes hundreds of new workflows and improvements including the MPM solver for solid mechanics, Copernicus for image processing, Quick Surface Materials for access to Material X and new rigging and animation tools. Modeling & UX Modeling tools include an updated…Read More »
Houdini 20.5 includes hundreds of new workflows and improvements including the MPM solver for solid mechanics, Copernicus for image processing, Quick Surface Materials for access to Material X and new rigging and animation tools. Modeling & UX Modeling tools include an updated…Read More »
Addon for Blender 3.x – smoothing mesh surfaces without volume loss. Since ver 2.3 update there is also ‘Volume smooth brush’ tool (has geometry sliding option) available in edit mode. Latest version of VPSmoothing – 2.6.0 – supports only Blender 3.6 (as…Read More »
Houdini 20.5 includes hundreds of new workflows and improvements including the MPM solver for solid mechanics, Copernicus for image processing, Quick Surface Materials for access to Material X and new rigging and animation tools. Modeling & UX Modeling tools include an updated…Read More »