Asset Sketcher is a blender addon that lets you paint objects directly into your scene. If you are a level designer or love to create scenes with lots of details, this will be the perfect addon for you. Asset Sketcher lets you populate your scene very quickly. With a variety of settings you can randomize how assets are added to your scene. With some intuitive short cuts you can delete and pick objects directly from your scene, which gives you some extra speed for designing your level. With Asset Sketcher there is no need to place/scale and rotate your objects manually anymore.
Add objects, groups and groupinstances to your Asset List. Adjust the paint distance, the scale. Finetune it by adding random values for scale and rotation. Paint objects into stroke direction. Orient objects directly to your ground. This and much more parameters can be set to give you the absolute control. Take a look at the highlighted key features in this overview here. If you want to see more feel free to take a look at the feature video.
3 Intuitive Sketch Modes
There are different needs for some worfklows. There for Asset Sketcher offers 3 types of Modes.
Paint Mode
The paint mode lets you quickly brush Assets into your scene. With a set of paramters you customize how assets are placed.
Downloads: pls buy & support the dev!
Just rename the folder to ‘Asset Sketcher v2’. Since 2.8 blender doesn’t like ‘.’ in the name of the addon folder.