MaxToBlender is a plugin to transfer 3DsMax current scene to Blender with 2 clicks. The creators of MaxToC4D, MaxToMaya, MaxToModo and C4DtoMax found a way to solve common import/export problems automatically. It can also convert scenes with V-Ray materials into Blender “similar” materials and settings.
Transfer scene from 3DsMAX to Blender with 2 clicks;
Vray-to-Cycles: Transfer 3DsMax scene even if they have vray materials or lights (if vray for 3DsMax installed);
Open models made for 3DsMax and send them to Blender, and use the power of the Blender Cycles render;
Fast make Blender library from 3DsMax models;
Expand your workflow.
Activation mechanism has been removed, simply install and use. zip is smaller because i didn’t include 2.79. i didnt include it because i dont use 2.79 and since code requires cleaning up i couldn’t be arsed to do it.