Allegorithmic Substance Painter 2018.2.2.2472 Winx64 Full Easy Crack Download Clean.
Release date: 2018/09/11
Summary: Hotfix with content update, new scripting functionalities and being able to disable the auto update
[Content][Shelf] Add a Skin shelf preset
[Content][shelf] Conversion of 19 skin normals into materials for subsurface scattering
[Scripting] Create a project template from an open project
[Scripting] Get/Set export settings of an opened project
[Updates] Be able to disable the auto update pop-up from settings and environment variable
[Updates] Have a not display until next version on the maintenance outdated pop-up
[Camera] Wrong zoom by switching from orthographic to perspective
[Display] Some maps are displayed in linear instead of sRGB
[Viewports] Mesh focus does not behave properly
[2D View] Project with broken camera has disappearing UVs Shells
[SSS][Tooltip] subsurface scattering tooltips appear in the log
Some projects cannot be opened in 2018.2 and error message can’t save a null substance package
[Mask] Paint tool color can be stuck in some cases when working in a mask
[Material] Maps not appearing in specific situations
[Proj][Tools] Manipulator active with a generator
[Substance] Missing Substance groups of parameters
[Scripting] Incorrect software name in documentation
[UDIMs] No information in log about UVs shells on multiple UVs tiles
Known Issues:
Computation freeze on AMD VEGA GPUs
Huion tablet issue with shortcuts on Windows OS
Installation Info :
– copy Substance Painter.exe into installation folder
– enjoy