By | December 5, 2020

X Particles v2.59 Build 52 Win/MAC Cinema 4D R17 Crack Download CLEAN!

X-Particles is a fully-featured particle and VFX system for Cinema 4D. Using a unique system of Questions and Actions you get full control over your particle simulations without the need for Xpresso or Cinema 4D’s native particle system. Particles, fluids, and gaseous simulations all in one place.

An essential component of an artist’s toolkit, we have vastly improved our visual effects features such as Cloth, Smoke, Fire and fluids. Alongside, we’ve given some of our existing features a significant overhaul, others just a little fine-tuning.

Designers can switch effortlessly between motion graphics and VFX, within a unified system built on the most intuitive particle software on the market.

xpExplosiaFX comes with its inbuilt forces, but the real beauty is its ability to interact with other X-Particles Modifiers and Generators. You will benefit from multiple options, giving you complete control of your creative.

For example; add xpTurbulence for erratic movement. Drive smoke simulations with xpFlowField, as the smoke simulation hits the velocity field the smoke will be affected.

Layering up the modifiers gives you unprecedented control over your smoke and fire simulations.

We’ve created a new, state of the art, liquid and grain solver. Our new Liquid Modifiers let you create stunning large and small-scale fluid simulations, from ocean beaches made with 50 million particles to beautiful milk pouring shots.

xpFluidPBD is a particle-based dynamic solver, ideal for fast, small-scale fluid simulations. Mix with any of the X-Particles modifiers to fine tune and art direct your fluids.

Our new hybrid SPH solver xpFluidFX uses the latest techniques in fluid dynamics for medium to large scale fluid simulations.

How to make it work in R19 ? :
1. Copy the X-Particles R16 folder into C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R19_XXXXXXX\plugins
2. Copy the included x-particles.lib4d file into C:\Program Files\MAXON\Cinema 4D R19\library\browser


18 Replies to “X Particles v2.59 Build 52 Win/MAC Cinema4D R17 Crack Download”

  1. rizkqi

    hei please accept my request to join your group thanks :)

    1. Zaid Sparrow Post author

      i dont reject any request unless they are very shady. i hope you are already in the group as i accept 99% of the requests.

  2. Armana

    Dear Zaid
    Please provide link, because I have problem with facebook (filter).

  3. Jo

    OH NO NO NOOOO! Please don’t let it come to THAT… Ish, it’s disgusting.

  4. heck

    ive been waitin for the link in facebook roup..ive joined already and still no link..pls kindly send…..

  5. John

    hi by “it doesn’t work anymore” do you mean it doesn’t work in r20? but I still have the old versions so can you send the links?


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