PhotoModeler UAS Winx64bit v2017.1.1 Full Easy Crack Download CLEAN
PhotoModeler is the base product. PhotoModeler Scanner contains all the capabilities of PhotoModeler, and adds SmartMatch, dense surface modeling (DSM), and motion tracking. PhotoModeler UAS contains all the capabilities of PhotoModeler Scanner and adds tools for UAS and drone projects.
The PhotoModeler Software extracts 3D Measurements and Models from photographs taken with an ordinary camera. A cost-effective way for accurate 3D scanning, measurement, surveying and reality capture.
- Easy to Use and Learn: Includes an advanced Windows user interface, Wizards for easy project set-up, extensive multimedia tutorials (over 4 hours playing time!), printed user guide, and extensive on-line help.
- Modeling Tools: Create models using PhotoModeler’s Point, Line, Curve, Edge, Cylinder, and Shape marking tools.
- Surface Tools: Add surfaces to features defined by Points, Lines, Curves, and Edges. Create NURBS Surfaces from Lines, Edges, and Curves.
- Photo-textures: Add photo-textures and colors to surfaces. Export textures with 3DS, OBJ, VRML, and 3DM.
- 3D Viewer: View, measure, select objects, and interactively rotate the created 3D models with full photo-textures.
- Measurement Tools: Perform point, distance, length and area measurements right within PhotoModeler.
- Coded Targets: Automate the setup (initial marking and referencing) of the project, or the extraction 3D data points using targets with a special code ring that the software recognizes in the images. See Automation and Coded Targets.
- Scale/Rotate/Translate: This feature provides you the ability to apply proper scale to your project and set your model in the proper coordinate system for exporting.
- Export Capabilities: Export your model to Autodesk DXF (2D and 3D), 3D Studio 3DS, Wavefront OBJ, VRML (1&2), IGES, OpenNURBS/Rhino, StereoLithography STL, RAW, Maya Script, Max Script, FBX, and Google Earth’s KML and KMZ. See the Exports page.
- Import Capabilities: Import 3D data for use as control points, affine (coordinate systems), mesh comparison, or photo projection. See Export / Imports page.
- Photograph Handling: Work with any number of photographs, add new photographs at any time, and import many different image formats. * Image Control: Use extensive Zoom Tools for accurate sub-pixel marking, Photo Rotate for easier viewing, and Image Enhancement for increased visibility.
- Camera Support: Use images from digital, film, or video cameras. Automatic Camera Orientation determines the position of the camera when the image was taken. Use different cameras in the same project.
- Camera Calibrator: Accurately measure your camera’s focal length, principal point, digitizing aspect ratio and lens distortion.
- Photo-Projections: Check project quality by projecting 3D data onto your photos.
- Customizable Interface: Control the layout and appearance of your PhotoModeler screen. Customizable items include toolbars, short cut keys, and colors for items such as 3D objects, Projections, and the 3D Viewer.