Gumroad Viral Animated Reels (Minimalist After Effects Animation Training) Full Free Download
Learn the basics of animation in After Effects that we used to grow our Instagram accounts to millions of followers.
In 1 year, Weiss Video grew 200k followers on Instagram and Visual Hustles grew 1.2m followers by utilizing the black and white minimalist animation style.
Weiss Video has used its style to add millions of followers for Dan Koe and other creators while increasing the reach of brands and helping drive new revenue from social media.
Grew from 0 to 200k+
These videos go VIRAL
So how did we do this?
Viral animated reels with custom After Effects animations using 5 to 30-second reels.
Here’s how you can do this too with our Viral Animated Reels Course
We’ve made this course simple for beginners to get started and learn the basics of creating their first animated reel.
Learn how to create your first animated reel in under 1 hour.
The total time it will take you to learn from the videos in the course is 52 minutes.
No fluff, straight to the point, and easy to follow.