Import, animate and manipulate different molecular data formats inside of Blender using Geometry Nodes.
PDB Files
Quick download and import from the Protein Data Bank (PDB), AlphfaFold DataBase (AFDB), and parsing supported for importing all popular molecular data formats (, , , , ) via the bundled python package .
Molecular Dynamics Trajectories
Support for most MD topology and trajectory formats are supported via the bundled python package. Trajectories are streamed from disk quick load, playback and memory efficient animations.
What’s New
Updated and improved for compatibility with Blender .
Cleaned up and categorised with appropriate colors all of the node groups
Split selection node groups into separate nodes
Improved speed of loading cached files
Bundled python packages, requiring no additional install
What’s Changed in 4.2.9
Add option for trajectory position averaging
Pdb Loading Fix
Change oxDNA Backend to MDAnalysis
is_modifier for parent node trees
Fix oxDNA parsing and alignment
update to test against 4.3 and 4.2
Update template