Random Flow is a random mesh generator designed for fast and easy hard surface prototyping and concept art. This a fast changing add-on with lots of new functionalities in the future.
Random Loop Extrude – generates random extrusions from loop objects to create interesting shapes and details.
Random Panels – creates paneling details or extrusions whose height can also be randomized.
Random Axis Extrude – generates random extrusions from faces in the XYZ directions respectively.
Random Cells– randomly creates faces in cell configurations.
Random Scatter – randomly scatters objects or collection objects on surface points in the mesh.
Random Tubes – generates random tubes on selected faces of a mesh.
Random Cables – generates random catenary cables from selected faces.
Random Vertex Color – generates random vertex color which can be limited to objects, face islands and selections.
Random Animation – generates random transform animations in the xyz axis.
Flanges/Couplings – generates flanges or couplings on curve objects or on results of random tubes and random cables.
Panel Screws – generates screw design objects on selected faces.
Panel Cloth – generate cloth physics.
Grid Project – projects grid based cuts on selected faces for even quad topology.
Quad Slice – makes quads out of ngons by cutting lines by their vertices.
Auto Mirror – a fast intuitive auto mirror function.
Merge Functions – merges objects via boolean or basic join.
Mesh Data Save Feature – saves mesh data for backup or reuse.
Version 3.3.0
Fixed autosmooth (set_sharp_from_angle) error for older versions. Due to back to back changes for this area with a single Blender version having a unique autosmooth code (somewhere around 4.0-4.1)that can also produce an error, the fix is merely passing the error quietly which means the autosmooth part of the script will not work unless you use the latest version of Blender but the operator will still complete its function.
UI change for Random Loop Extrude in an effort to shorten the redo panel. This will work only for Blender 4.2.3+ and will revert to using the old ui when using older Blender versions.
Enhanced direction property for Random Slice with new options like Tangent, Per Face, XYZ and View.
Marked Sharp Only toggle in Random Panels will now only work in edit mode and work directly on the source mesh.
Fixed orientation bug in Random Animation when using empty and picked normal to orient the active object.
Fixed origin placement error when using Set Origin.
Panel Screws’ radius property can now be randomized by disabling a uniform toggle.
Random Tubes and Random Cables curve width can now be randomized by disabling a uniform toggle.
Deprecated or removed operators like Clear Banding, Clear Data Objects and Filter Select.
Added new property on Smooth Sharp operator that lets you also smooth the sharp edges.
Removed Auxilliary Add-ons from settings.
Added the same autosmooth features for Random Loop Extrude, Random Panels and Panel Insets
Fix error in Quick Displacement when using selection mode.
Flanges/Couplings has a new property called Scale Mode where you can use the dynamic option to make the flanges or couplings adapt to the randomized size of the curves from using Random Tubes and Random Cables. If you can’t see any result initially, try increasing the radius or size of the flanges/couplings.