Learn to transform your models to a fully textured and shaded scene by utilizing the shader editor. You’ll learn how to create consistent, believable worlds with these production techniques.
Part 1
Learn how to use image textures, shaders, and materials while working inside the Shader Editor. Learning to harness the power of the Principled BDSF shader and glossy, transmission, alphas, displacement, and normal maps.
Part 2
Learn to apply shader techniques while creating a rustic wooden table, a translucent candle, a book with multi-layered specular and roughness, and a magical ring with a fresnel glow effect.
Part 3
Integrate transparency effects such as alphas, glass, and how to utilize them together along with overcoming the difficulties of rendering these shaders inside the real-time rendering engine, Eevee.
Part 4
Finalize the scene by laying out all of the props, integrating lighting, compositing, and keyframes to create a cinematic animated rendered.