Night and Day Procedural Buildings is a collection of 25 different types of city buildings that can be customized just by simply tweaking parameters inside the modifiers tab.
Starting from one of the base models use the geometry nodes parameters to obtain a lot of variations of the same building.
You can modify the building’s height, length and width…
… determine the amount of wall props (such as blinds, air conditioners, satellite disks etc.)…
… and you can turn on the lights and animate them.
It’s also possible to add fire escapes, elevators, roof elements, dirt, empty walls and advertising signs.
For each model you can play with the 22 available parameters to create an infinite variety of similar buildings.
Version 3.0, which requires at least Blender 4.1, has an improved window light material for night scenes that shows the interiors of the buildings. Interiors are not modeled but faked with a technique called Parallax Mapping that creates the illusion of depth.
I tried to keep the poly count of these models as low as possible without sacrificing much of their quality. So this product is ideal to create large scale city environments.
Models are ready to render either with Cycles or EEVEE.