Blender 3 updated Intel® Open Image Denoise to version 1.4.2 which improved many artifacts in render, even separating into passes, but still loses a lot of definition when used in standard mode, DENOISER COMP separates passes and applies denoiser only in the selected passes and generates the final pass (beauty) keeping much more definition as can be seen in the videos to the side.UPDATES:
VERSION 1.2.0:
Added support for Blender 4, it will not work on older versions below version 4, for this install version 1.1.1 of denoiser comp.
VERSION 1.1.1:
A new update where you can choose the output type of the file, whether it will be RGB or RGBA with 16 or 32 bits, and you can now separate the Beauty passes and the extra passes into two different File Outputs.
VERSION 1.1.0:
New version with support for all industry standard passes
VERSION 1.0.2:
It is now possible to send passes with denoiser applied from Blender to Nuke using the “Denoiser Comp Addon”, this output EXR can be used in other software like Davinci Resolve and Natron for example.
BETA 2: Removed “normal and albedo” of denoiser node entries from direct and indirect volume, these entries can generate errors/glitches because they are based on geometry and the volume does not have. Also added a function to always leave Prefilter quality as “ACCURATE ” by default.
This Addon is mainly useful for animations.