Simple Text Addon makes it easy to experiment with text designs.
Please watch the 2-minute video demo with developer commentary that will take you through the addon :)
Text Presets & Important Settings in One Panel
Import Fonts Faster
.blend with +10 animated presets to get you started.
When installing new fonts right-click them and select “Install for All Users”
Addon works well within both Cycles and Eevee in Blender 2.80 and above.
MacOS and Linux Users Before You Buy:
You will need to edit one line of addon code to make The Load All Fonts button work. It should be straightforward, see the instructions in PDF on GitHub before you buy:
Update Log:
v111 Cleanup Mesh Button Removed – woops! That button is not ready yet, got in the V1.1 release by accident, apologies! You can simply igonore it for now or download the v1.1.1 update that removes it :)
4 new buttons
works in text mode (when you press Tab)
general code improvements