Display, edit, filter, render, convert, generate and export colored point cloud PLY files.
Key Features:
Display hundreds of millions of colored points in 3d viewport, limited only by system and gpu memory.
Any Blender object can be used as container for points, points are not part of Blender data (until converted to) for maximal performance.
Supported file formats – read: PLY, LAS/LAZ, E57, PCD, any text based file format such as PTS, XYZ, TXT, CSV etc., write: PLY.
Custom PLY reader/writer optimized for point data and performance.
Display points with number of various shaders, display point normals, use clipping planes, display scalar values (value remapping in range, color schemes).
Mesh Retopology tools that utilize vertices snapping to points and mesh drawn with custom shaders over points
Cleanup points directly with modal selection tools or by using Blender edit mode with temporary mesh linked with points using Blender tools.
Abundance of editing filters: subsample/voxelize/slice points, crop, boolean, color adjustment, remove by color or value, project on mesh, remove duplicates, estimate normals, point set registration, surface reconstruction.
Builtin OpenGL rendering to image or images sequence with or viewport or transparent background.
Convert points to various Blender data (mesh, instancer, particle system, Geometry Nodes instances, Geometry Nodes points) for rendering with any render engine.
Generate point clouds from mesh surface, mesh volume, particle system, Geometry Nodes vertices with attributes.
Working with PLY sequences, playback, batch convert, filter and export.
Can be used as debugging tool to display 3d location/normal/color data with easy to use controller class.
Full documentation here: Point Cloud Visualizer – documentation
PCV 3 Alpha new features and info
Please see FAQ section for answers to common questions
Upcoming features already available under Experimental section:
Packer: Store loaded points as hidden mesh datablock with attributes in blend file. Automatically restore and draw points from datablock at blend file load, save points to datablock on blend file save. More info here in documentation.
Viewer: Load and display very large datasets that does not fit into gpu memory. Octree, Level of Detail, Camera Frustum, Threading, PLY, LAS/LAZ and E57, all of it is there.. More info here in documentation.
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