The RizomUV Bridge provides the user with an easy to use UI which makes transferring objects and UV maps between Blender and RizomUV as simple as clicking a button.
The addon includes many user-configurable settings so the user can set up the bridge to best suit their workflow. These settings are all saved in the preferences file and will be remembered between Blender sessions.
Requires Rizom 2019.0.3 or higher.
Will support MacOS and Linux if/when the RizomUV Python module updates to support them.
For Windows Store users:
Make sure that the addon is installed in the normal AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/xx/scripts/addons path. The windows store version of Blender will try to install it in the WindowsApps folder which is heavily protected and will not allow the addon to communicate with RizomUV.
If you have any trouble updating to new versions make sure you remove the old plugin version then restart blender before you install the new version.
Notable features include:
The option to automatically run a user-configurable autoseams script upon loading into Rizom.
Automatically generate a UV map for all selected objects with the click of a single button.
The option to automatically mark UV island boundaries as sharp edges upon running the import function.
The ability to close the Rizom application remotely, directly from the bridge UI.
Control over most of the Rizom packing settings directly from the bridge UI, these settings are saved and will be loaded every time Rizom is launched from the Bridge UI.
Multiple UV Sets supported.