AEmpeg AEScripts for After Effects Full Crack Download CLEAN WIN!
Have you ever wanted to render with any of the many codecs ffmpeg offers?
Have you searched trough the whole internet after a way to render ProRes directly from After Effects on a Windows System?
Then this is the tool you have been wishing for!
You no longer need to put your time into learning and trying out different commandlines or after your render is done, load the videos into a second software to ones again set everything up and render again. Just launch it, select your output path, press render and you’re done!
- Render with ffmpeg – Just pick your output path and settings and press render. It’s that simple!
- Works on both Windows and Mac – True cross-platform experience!
- Save time! – You no longer need to fiddle around with commandlines or external softwares to get the files you want! Do it all quick and easy from one place!
- Use it to create proxys – Save the original file and use the AEmpeg one as a small and quick proxy.
- Advanced features:
- Scaling – Scale your comp to any size you want.
- Subtitle – Burn subtitles onto your video. Simply select the file and AEmpeg will take care of the rest.
- Muxing – Oh wonderful muxing. Muxing is when you merge a videofile and an audio file together to one simple file. Perfect to make sure your render is done correctly and doesn’t need re-rendering thoes heavy VFX shots. Select the audiofile or use the comps audio, render to an imagesequence and if everything goes correct AEmpeg will merge them together!
- Shut down computer when done – Well, save power, save the planet!
- Convert already existing videos and image sequences – Just select videofiles from your project panel and add them!
- Create your own ffmpeg-presets – If you know ffmpeg from before you can easily create your own templates to use within the script. You can also share and import already created presets.
- Detailed help page – Feeling lost? Just press the “?” button and you’ll get the detailed help page with all information you might want to know!
What is FFmpeg?
FFmpeg is a very fast video and audio converter that can also grab from a live audio/video source. It can also convert between arbitrary sample rates and resize video on the fly with a high quality polyphase filter.
FFmpeg contains more than 100 codecs and is used in the majority of media networks like Youtube, Vimeo and Facebook to convert your uploaded videos, images and audio.
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