Noodler is a handy plugin for all the node magicians out there, it features:
Draw Frames
Quickly draw and assign frames by pressing J
Draw Routes
Quickly draw reroutes and create links from input to outputs sockets in this mode. Select a node, then press V to enter nodal state.
Add favorites flag with CTRL+Y, loop through your favorites with Y.
Color Palette Assign
Assign colors to selected nodes easily from a palette.
Reroute Chamfer
Chamfer selected reroute(s) with CTRL+B.
Downstream/Upstream Selection
Select nodes downstream or upstream with CTRL+LEFTMOUSE or CTRL+ALT+LEFTMOUSE.
Advance Node Search
Search for nodes quickly with the advance node search, this tool is located in the N panel.
Purge Unused
Removed unused nodes or elements, this operator is located in the editor header.