With one single blueprint you can create thousands of instanced books. The script consists of 3 instanced books with 3 different instanced materials. Populate an entire library with just 1 simple script and edit the parameters to your liking.
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Technical Details
Easy to replace the books to your own set of books.
Easy to replace the textures to something else.
The blueprint is commented to make it easy to understand and follow how it’s made if you want to expand on it.
Exposed Parameters:
Create Random Seed (Creates a random seed for your book generation)
Seed (A seed that determines the generation, can be written to provide a specific book generation)
Length Of Row (The number of cm to determine the length of the bookshelf
Space Frequency (How many random spaces should be in your row of books)
Random Space (From what max range to have your spaces)
Rotation Frequency (How many random rotated books should be in your row of books)
Random Rotation (How big the angle of rotation should be)
Random Position (How big the difference in depth the books should be placed at)
Random Height (The random height of all of your books)
Random Width (The random width of all of your books)