What is RIGICAR ?
Rigicar is a Blender add-on for easy realistic vehicle animation. No rig no bones to use. Simple to use, you can rapidly populate your scene with animated vehicles. No simulation needed. Everything is real-time, dampers too!
step 1:
Enable the addon on the car body and find the correct orientation to the generated path
Pick a wheel and find the best orientation to the car body
Wheels references must be RIGHT one !
step3 (optional):
Choose a ground to drive on
Animate the car location along the path.
Wheels spin, steering, banking are automated, depending on the vehicle speed.
Dynamics dampers can be enabled on a click.
Update 2.2:
Possibility to have two different wheel’s sizes for front and rear axles:
Update 2.1.3:
Some Opimiztions
And a customer request: Tire Sinking
Update 2.1.0:
Helpers Anchors can be reveal in the setup panel:
This help to link some objects on the car body, the wheels, brakes , steer …
Brake controllers added in advanced animation panel:
Video Tutorial Anchor Helpers:
Picto Filmo
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Customer Ratings 5
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Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License GPL
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Tags: vehicle, car, city, drift, simulation, damper, brakes, brake, Steer, rig, steering, car rig addon, spring, armature, rig car, car rig, animation
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