Onion Skinning with no Tears
Ghosts will help you to ensure Consistency and Continuity in your Animation by compiling all the most Onionskin relevant features while keeping it extremely simple.
PBR Bridge
Save 20mn from Blender to Painters and back
Speed up your Video Montage
Visibility Set Filters
Benefit from a more Clarified & Organized pipeline
What is it?
Ghosts is an Onion Skinning Blender addon which aims to compile all the most Onionskin relevant features while keeping it extremely simple.
While looking for such Blender functionality, I had this frustration of not being able to find anything regrouping all at once what I wanted to do.
We have several solutions out there but I thought I needed some sort of BestOf Onionskin addon, one to rule them all 🐨.
Why is Ghosts so useful?
Ghost Modes
All Keyframes, Direct Keyframes
Static Range, Dynamic Range (with step)
Specific frames
Jump between Specific ghost frames
Find dependencies (ability to use ctrl armatures and constraints, children objects etc…)
Force Ghost visibility when object is disabled or hidden (ability to use low/high poly)
Ghost Shader Tweaking
Change before / current / after colors
Change color transition frame count
Change look from rim to plain silhouette
Option to pre write z or cull faces
Tech Specs
No real object, direct BlenderGL
Ghost are cached
Auto Update when inserting / updating Keyframe
Auto Refresh when changing current frame (making playmode available)