Looking to add some dimension to your matte paintings? ILM and Axis Animation lead matte painter Steven Cormann will teach you to create cinematic environment shots, from scratch to final comp utilizing professional studio techniques.
Steven will first take you through his past projects, showing the skills he acquired throughout his career in order to break into the VFX industry. He will then address some of the most common questions about matte painting as a discipline, and take you through VFX breakdowns of some of the most popular films to explain how their effects were achieved. You will then begin conceptualizing your project for this Course by using the Brief Builder tool, and assemble all the photographic references you will draw from in future Lessons.
You will start by blocking out your shot in 3D. Steven will walk you through each step necessary to bring your vision to life in its most basic form. After this, you will take your scene into Nuke and create a workflow for future changes to flow smoothly through every piece of software you use.
In this Lesson you will do the majority of your scene’s modeling work. You will go over shaders, color spaces, effects, and vegetation. After this, you will render your scene and be ready for the upcoming final step in the process.