Light Trails Generator.
Converts blender curves to light trail effects.
Works with both Eevee and Cycles.
Easy to setup and fully customizable.
It is Geometry Nodes setup, not an addon, so no need to install it.
Required Blender 3.3 or newer.
Making Seamless Loops
To make seamless loops adjust Loop Time parameter (0 = no looping). It is calculated in seconds unit.
To calculate Loop Time from frame count, do:
Time Scale * Frame Count / Frame Rate.
For example, if you have 100 frames and frame rate is 24 fps, then:
Here is a trail looped in 24 frames (1 sec):
Version 1.1:
Seamless loop support;
Use another curve as base curve. This lets to generate multiple different trails on one curve;
Different curve profile type options;
More various example scenes;
Small optimizations and fixes.
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