Blender Addon Camera Preset Generator
This addon offers 98 build-in camera motion presets with thumbnail image and demo video. And you can create your own preset.
It comes with a powerful camera system and options, and can auto switch multiple cameras easily.
Build-in Presets Preview
All presets’ thumbnail images and demo videos are included in following .zip file:
Github repo is for document and issues. There is no code in it.
Addon: 1.1.0
Blender: 3.0 or later
Create a handy camera system with 1 click
Create a camera shot from a preset
98 build-in camera presets
Demo video for build-in presets.
Search presets in multiple categories with multiple keywords.
Adjust camera preset before bringing it into scene.
Auto switch all cameras into a smooth animation
Save you own camera preset
Adjust or create preset category.
Create a useful preset thumbnail image which draws camera path in it with 1 click.
Install the .zip file you get from online shop.
Search “Camera Preset Generator” in your addon list and enable it
In viewport, press “N” to display tool panels, select “Cam Preset Gen” panel
If you are new to blender and don’t know how to install a blender addon, search: “blender install addon” in google.
How to use
Create Camera Motion
Select a category, pick a preset, click “Generate Camera” button.
You can search presets with filter, supporting multiple keywords
Auto Switch Camera
Generate multiple cameras with this addon.
Click “Auto Switch Camera” button at the bottom of this addon’s panel.
Auto Switch only works for camera systems generated by this addon. You can manually move or rotate any items of a camera system, it will still work. Just do not change a camera system’s structure.
Create preset
Click Save button.
Create preset thumbnail image
Click “Generate Path” button at the bottom of this addon. It will generate a path of your camera.
Go to “View” menu at the top of viewport, select “Viewport Render Image”, render this camera path into an image.
Save this image with the same name of your preset, into the same folder.
Load Preset
When using “Load” button, You can pick thumbnail image to load a preset.
Modify Preset Category
Go to addon’s preset folder
on windows, it could be: “%AppData%\Blender Foundation\Blender\Your Blender Version\scripts\addons\CameraPresetGenerator\preset”
Any folder here, will be load as a category.
Any preset file in a category folder, will be displayed in the preview list
There is a default preset in “User” category. You can use it to reset addon panel’s setting.
When selecting a category, there is no default preset selected for. You need to select one.
Preset data is load onto addon’s UI panel at the moment you selected it.
Choose a preset similar to the shot you want, then move it manually, can achieve the shot you need most efficiently. Only adjust settings on addon panel when you need your own preset.
Create thumbnail image
If a preset doesn’t have a thumbnail image, addon will use a default image. So you actually don’t have to create a thumbnail image.
When loading a preset with “Load” button, you can pick a thumbnail image to import the preset.
Camera System
This addon creates a camera system with: a Camera, a Target, a Revolve Sun, and a Handler for the whole system.
Camera: you can move or rotate it as you want
Revolve Sun: rotate it, camera will rotate around it.
Empty Target: If “Look at target” is checked and Target Type is set to “Empty” on addon panel, camera will always look at this empty target.
This is very useful, when you want to track a moving object which keeps shaking, but you still want to keep your camera stable.
Handler: Empty parent for the whole system. So you can adjust camera motion as a whole.
Position and Rotation
A generated camera motion can have 3 key frames:
Start frame
Those vector properties on addon panel are not coordinates and final angles. They are distance and rotation angles about how much you want to move or rotate it based on default transform.
End frame: Can be set after checking “Has Motion”.
Those vector properties on addon panel are not coordinates and final angles. They are distance and rotation angles about how much you want to move or rotate it based on start frame.
Middle frame: Can be set after checking “Set Middle Point”.
Those vector properties on addon panel are not coordinates and final angles. They are distance and rotation angles about how much you want to move or rotate it based on start frame.