By | September 10, 2018

Automated Video Editing AEScripts After Effects Full Crack Download CLEAN!

Automated Video Editing automates the whole video editing process synced to the beat of the music.

What is it

Automated Video Editing allows you to automate the whole video editing process according to the music beat and other rules you apply.
Import a bunch of video clips and music, make some simple settings and get a fully edited video synced to the music that can be easily adjusted if necessary.

Save time on manual video editing: Promos, Parties, VJ Videos, Wedding and much more.


  1. Automatic Video Editing by the music beat (with sensitivity controller).
  2. Random Video footage option.
  3. Repeat Video option.
  4. Limit Shot Duration option (Minimum shot duration, Maximum shot duration).
  5. Comp Size & Frame Rate adjust.
  6. Start of each clip (Random or Beginning).
  7. Time-Remapping Control.
  8. Opacity Dissolve Control (also include the length of each dissolve).
  9. Audio Frequency Control.
  10. Scale Option to all layers in the comp according to the comp size (LetterBox, Crop).
  11. Color Correction & Color Style.
  12. Support long duration video footage (for example: GoPro footage) and regular short duration video files.
  13. Title Animation Generator for opening and closing.


Choose comp size and frame rate, press on ‘Create Composition’, two comps and two folders will be created (one folder for music, one folder for videos). Import video files into the video folder and import 1 music file into the music folder.

Tweak the video editing setting in the UI as you wish and press ‘Do It’. it will take a bit to finish the operation depending on the length of your edit, your computer speed and the settings you chose.

Once the automated edit is finished in and out points for each clip can be adjusted and effects added to create any effect including color correction. Individual layers can also be easily replaced in case you need to fix or change an individual shot.



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