Stunning environments created and rendered in minutes
Use the Procedural Sky for realistic, customizable and fast outdoor lighting
Breathtaking terrains are just a few clicks away
TerrainScapes is supported by Blender 3.x
“Mountains” package is supported by Cycles
“Procedural Sky” package is supported by Cycles and Eevee
“Water” package is supported by Cycles
The TerrainScapes addon is an expanding library of assets and toolsets which enables Blender users creating lovely landscape scenes. Our goal for this addon is to make it as intuitive an easy to use, but also as qualitative and adaptive as possible.
Free Version
If you want to have a quick look at some of the assets in Blender, you can download the free version. After you downloaded the file, you just have to append the containing folders to the asset browser.
Main benefits
Fast render time
Easy to use
No advanced blender knowledge needed
Features complement each other
All mountain models include a normal map, which ensure a sharp look even with a low poly count. This way you can have low memory usage but also a high quallity look.
Depending on your needs you can adjust the setting until you get what you want. You only have to pull some sliders.
Drag and drop
Choose the terrain you want, by watching the preview images and drag them into your scene via the Asset Browser.
Procedural Sky
The biggest benefit of the Procedural-Sky is, that you can animate it. Whether you want to render a stunning sunrise or just blowing clouds, you have the ability to do that.
35 pre-made setups
You can choose between 35 setups. all you have to do, is drag and drop the sky you want into your scene. this way you are able to try different looks very fast untill you’re happy.
Real time
The Procedural sky supports cycles and eevee. Even if you don’t use eevee you can render the sky super fast because the atmosphere and clouds are not volumetric.
There are many websites where you can get hdri’s or backdrops from, but many times the image is blurry or low resolustion. One big advantage of an procedural texture is that the resolution is nearly infinte, because it’s calculated by math and noise textures.
The water in the real world is producing caustics through bundled light. It’s hard to get this effect in blender, but we tried to imitate it as good as possible.
When you look at lakes, you often see the ground faiding away. This is because the Water has particles in it, that makes the water look darker at the bottom.
Wave iregulation
the waves vary, depending on how strong the wind is at each location. this can be seen particularly at large water areas.
The concept behind the Procedural Sky
Since Blender 2.9, we have the option to light our scenes with the nashita sky. The nashita sky is a procedural texture which allows the user to have more controll over different settings. Another advantage is, that you have the ability to animate the sun or other settings so you can create more natural looking animations, which is a good alternation to the standard static hdri look. However, there are some drawbacks, which are among others are:
No clouds
No presets
Lack of artistic contols
So we tought this is a good oportunity for us to fix that and provide Blender users with a stunning Procedural Sky with no lacks in settings or cloud creation.
Importance of rendertime
Our main priority besides quality is a fast rendertime. This has two resons: If you have to wait serveral minutes to see some changes in your viewport, than it makes it really hard for you to learn the settings and what they actually do, you also might lose the motivation for you project. But if you see a rapid change every time you switched something, than you can get a positiv feedback loop. Rendertime becomes also important, when it comes to animations. It’s no problem to wait 10 minutes for a rendering, but if you want to create an animation of you scene, 500 frames for example, you have to wait 83 hours for your final result.
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