Ever tried to make a thunderstorm? It’s all doable, but the lightning flashes are … well let’s say: Not really fun to make. Especially when you want multiple flashes, it quickly becomes exhausting.
This is exactly the reason why I created this add-on. It should just be fun to make a thunderstorm!
Lightning is one of the coolest and most fascinating things in the world for me. As a teenager, I could stand at my window for hours and watch the lightning light up the cloudy night sky. The energy is palpable. The power and violence of nature is shown here in a beautiful way.
I said to myself: If I like to watch the lightning in blender as long as I used to at the window, then Thunderstorm Add-on is ready.
Create a complete thunderstorm to your taste with just one click.
Each lightning is unique based on random parameters you have access to.
Whenever a lightning bolt is completely faded out, its visibility will also end. This gives you very good performance even though there are many lightnings in a scene.
Don’t like to find the best settings? Choose between different presets:
Slow Motion:
Great Pictures:
Fast Performance:
With Create While Playback, lightning bolts are created, which delete themselves again – like in a particle system!
This makes it possible to generate flashes for many hours without them being created beforehand.
The great thing about this is that you can experiment with the parameters and if you like what you’ve done, you can bake the flashes and then manipulate the baked flashes.
Another advantage of Create While Playback is that it updates the viewport with each frame. This gives you a much better preview in the viewport with volumetrics, even with baked flashes! For this you can simply leave Create While Playback on but set the flash count to zero:
Turned on: Turned off:
Make single lightnings when and where you need them.
Just press Update lightning to replace a flash.
To change the animation, you can simply move the keyframes as usual.
There is no need to worry about order. Thunderstorm Add-on organizes itself.
Thunderstorm Add-on doesn’t leave you alone when it comes to compositing either! I have optimized this node group more and more over a long time. All the flashes you see on this page were made to glow with this node group.
Use up to ten point lights to illuminate the scene with the lightnings. In Eevee, light from glowing objects can only be baked, which is not useful for animation. But with the point lights it works wonderfully!
Problems with Fireflys? Use the affect options to control what the lightnings and point lights affect.