We wanted to create a tool that can automate working with Geometry Nodes and Instances so that artists can simply click a button and have entire procedural setups built for them with maximum performance. With this tool you can array, scatter, add a variety of fx such as ivy/snow/damage and procedurally assemble your scene.
Linear Array
– Simple Linear Array using instances for maximum efficiency
Radial Array
– Radial Array with a variety of settings using instances for maximum efficiency
Brick Array
– Linear Array with offset setting to create bricks/tiles
Curve Array
– Array objects onto a Curve
Curve Array Collection
– Array will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)
Object Scatter
– Scatter selected objects onto the active object
Object Scatter Collection
– Scatter will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)
Texture Scatter
– Scatter selected objects onto the active object based on a texture
Texture Scatter Collection
– Scatter will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)
Volume Scatter
– Scatter selected objects inside the volume of the active object
Volume Scatter Collection
– Scatter will be comprised of objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)
– Shrinkwrap the selected mesh onto the active object
– Duplicate the selected object as many times as you want and randomize all of the copies transformations
– Randomize the transformation of all your selected objects
Randomizer Collection
– Randomize the transformations of all objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)
– Grow Ivy or any selected geometry onto the active object
Growth Collection
– Grow Ivy or any selected geometry onto all the objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)
– Create Snow on top of your selected objects
Snow Collection
– Create Snow on top of all the objects in the active collection allowing for a fully procedural workflow (change the objects in the collection at any time and it will update)
– Add some damage to the selected objects
– Explode your selected objects into voronoi chunks
– Scatter Icycles or any type of spiky geometry onto your selected objects
– Create an instanced proxy of your selected objects
Texture Displacement
– Displace your mesh with a triplanar texture
Noise Displacement
– Displace your mesh with a simple built in Noise texture
Apply Assembly
– Apply Assembly will finalize your assembly and turn it into real geometry