1.Stylized Smart Material Library
This is the stylized smart material library, difference is that, this is not the ghilbili, this is the basic set of them.
2. Denim Designer – 12 preset materials
Denim Designer
Denim Designer is an extremely robust Substance that enables artists to create virtually any style of denim they can imagine. Using a workflow that replicates how denim is made and behaves in the real world, you can quickly create very high quality and unique jeans (or jackets) for your project’s characters.
What you get: 12 preset materials for Substance Painter that can be used as is, or as a starting point for creating your own unique materials. You also get a custom edge material that works on meshes that have a baked curvature map. A .sbsar file is also included for creating denim materials in Substance Designer.
3. Artstation – +16 Substance Painter Various Materials
These smart materials were created during the production of my project WE_E: Fluorescence. The example shots are straight from the project to showcase how the materials were used. In some cases there are multiple assets with the same smart material in order to show what result you can get if you tweak its parameters.
4. Substance Painter SP – 20 Smart Material Mix
Substance Painter smart material set
Commented layers – set up for easy edits
Contains anchor point systems
– 20 Smart materials with detailed comments
– Porcelain .Sbsar file with settings
5. 13 Substance Painter Engine Metal Automotive Smart Materials
13 Substance Painter Smart Materials specifically designed for automotive design work, engine texturing, and anything metal.