RBDLab is a new addon to take full advantage of Blender physics. From fracturing objects to making them explode, adding smoke, debris or advanced use of constraints, RBDLab will allow you to do things in Blender that until now were practically impossible or in which you had to spend a huge amount of hours.
RBDLab has different option panels and a “linear” workflow, from Fracturing, Rigidbody, Constraints, Simulation, Particles… you will go through all the phases that a good RBD system requires.
It has advanced features such as, for example, the emission of particles only from the chunks that break, or “Acetone”, so you can deactivate Constraints as and when you want.The biggest update to date. Undoubtedly, the change from version 1.0.4 to version 1.1, will mark a before and after in RBDLab.
Some of the major updates and new features:
Modules and Fractures panel.
-A main panel where you can switch between the different RBDLab modules. Fractures, Physical, Particles and Smoke.
-Random Color and Selected by Color buttons, which will make your workflow much easier.
-New panel “Mesh visualization options” where we will have quick access to many options. From visualization of low/high fractures, explode, pretty shading, optimization…
– Improved performance when fracturing several objects at the same time.
-New “Fracture Details” panel. Fractures with internal detail and roughness have arrived to RBDLab. You will be able to choose between exact or fast boolean, as needed. You will have 2 types of detailed fractures, by subdivision or remesh.
Physics Panel
– Add Handler. We added a new option in the rigid bodies, to be able to manipulate in a much easier way your objects if they are in kinematic mode. You have a tool to move the pivot and get the result you are looking for.
– The “Convert in Passive” tool now has powerful new options. For starters, you will be able to quickly view/hide, select or delete passive chunks.
– Added a new way to convert chunks to “passive” by converting them to kinematic. This way you can have passive chunks that you can later animate to become active at any time.
– The “Chipping” tool is now converted to “Chunk Isolate Selector”. You will have new ways to isolate chunks, much more convenient and useful than its previous version.
– Acetone has received a huge update. It now allows you to work with “Deactivated”, “Kinematic” and “Constraints”. In addition, you now have to tell Acetone which chunks you want it to work with, speeding up the calculation process a lot. You can add as many Acetones as you want in scene, and you have a “Passes” option to speed up the Acetone calculation.
Particles Panel
New particle system. We have no words to describe how powerful is the new RBDLab particle system. We have created a separate velocity recognition system for each chunk. This way, we can have particles emitted separately in each chunk, depending on their velocity.
– -Initial configuration panel. You will have a series of options to pre-configure your particle system. Once configured, you create the system and then you can change its options at any time using the “Updated” button.
– -Huge improvement in particle deletion speed. If you need to delete your particles for some reason, you can now do it almost immediately.
– -Added display buttons, you can show or hide particles easily, both in viewport and render.
Smoke Panel
-The new Smoke panel, to leave you with your mouth open. You will be able to emit smoke (or fire/smoke) from the mesh or from the smoke particle system created in the particles panel. Once the system is generated, you can configure the options to your liking.
-Apart from a lot of internal improvements, performance improvement and a much more beautiful visual section, we have a lot of improvements still to be added and we are already working on them.
RBDLab 1.2 will arrive soon and will bring great new features in the fracture panel, performance improvements and improvements in the smoke panel.