KeysBinder – an After Effects script, allows you to put complex animation in one simple slider. What does it mean? Do you ever want to give your customers the easy tool to control animation? Something like you already do with the colors. But now with whole animation. Where buyers can change it by few clicks. So now you can! KeysBinder groups keys together and creates slider that will control that group.
It’s a perfect script for those who like great flexibility in their projects.
Tested on CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2018, CC2019, CC2021
Works in all language versions.
Very simple to use.
Works with any properties (positions, colors, masks, etc… with everything).
Can group as many keys as you want, and creates as many groups as you want. There is no limits.
Creates a checkbox that can deactivate all effect of the script. So your customers may choose: they want to work with your “preset” animation, or turn it off and work with the original keys.
The script doesn’t slow down projects. Performance is the same (almost) as before using the script.
Video tutorial 31 minutes long is included. Explains every part of the script.
Buyers no need to purchase the script. You bind keys, and after that your project can work without KeysBinder.