Animation brings video games alive. We believe creating great 2D animation requires not only powerful software, but a powerful workflow. Spine is dedicated to 2D skeletal animation, providing an efficient workflow both for creating amazing animation and for integrating it into your games.
Animating is an iterative process. Spine provides numerous tools to shape and refine your 2D animations. Bend and deform images with mesh skinning/weights, adjust timing with the dopesheet, visualize motion with ghosting, pose your characters with inverse kinematics, create pseudo 3D effects, and much more.
1_ Extract the folder where you want it ex : C:\Program Files (x86)
2_ Double_click on spine.reg , if windows ask you something just say yes.
3_ double click on install.bat (don’t run it as administrator that’s why it didnt work for me the first time),
it should create a deskop shortcut for you, if you’re seeing it, everyhting is good.
4_ Don’t forget to block it in the firewall.
5- Copy THE CONTENT in folder “Spine” and past it in c:\Users\USER\ spine
6 – Now click spine.exe or desktop icon spine
7 – done
i the spine program is asking for a key how can i get it?
follow this:
1_ Extract the folder where you want it ex : C:\Program Files (x86)
2_ Double_click on spine.reg , if windows ask you something just say yes.
3_ double click on install.bat (don’t run it as administrator that’s why it didnt work for me the first time),
it should create a deskop shortcut for you, if you’re seeing it, everyhting is good.
4_ Don’t forget to block it in the firewall.
5- Copy THE CONTENT in folder “Spine” and past it in c:\Users\USER\ spine
6 – Now click spine.exe or desktop icon spine
7 done
thanx! but the problem is spline hangs while exporting animation to png sequence, whats the problem?
restart the shit it will work. this is 100000% personally tested program bro.
Dude, thank you soooo much!
Donate my homie paypal: [email protected]
thank you.
But other versions cannot be used.
I need 3.5 version. What should I do?
I only have this.
It Worked, thanks
Donate on PayPal so i can keep working like this.
PayPal: [email protected]
When I run spine it notification
“Sorry An unexpected error has occurred.
Would you like to submit the error” How to fix it?
simply try restarting the program or your p.c – its 100% tested and working.
I’m also facing same issue
When I run spine it notification
“Sorry An unexpected error has occurred.
Would you like to submit the error” How to fix it?
Please anyone tell me how to fix it. or possible to make a video.
restart the program
the links do not seem to be working all that is happening is an infinate number o pop up adds
Inks working 100% fine if you need more help join our discord and msg me there.
nevermind i suppose it started working about 50 adds later
Haha! Glad it worked.
thank you very very
Hi, I’m doing it but it said need activated code
Nevermind. I misunderstood something. It works perfect now. Thanks!!
haha! you are welcome! join our discord, donate if you can on paypal: [email protected]
do it again, you are doing something wrong. its 100% tested
Im trying to import the animations to unity but it says I need spine 4.0
I dont know about this issue.
I Try Run Install.bat As Administrator Is Still Works Fine. Thanks Man.
enjoy. donate if you can.
thanks man. this INSTRUCTIONS very useful
dude fk thanks and donate. paypal: [email protected]
mine is returning an error with log
join our discord and ask there.
Can you include Spine 3.7.93 version? Please, I would love you for that Zaid!
I don’t have it