keKit is a General Tool-Kit Add-On for Blender
- Extensive options for customizing & optimizing workflows.
- An all-in-one collection of Scripts, Tools, Macros and Pie-Menus, etc.
- Modular – The kit is composed of separate modules that can be enabled or disabled.
- At your discretion – No preset shortcuts.
[Render] Unwrap Macro (NEW)
A (relatively) simple macro script to do common (for me) UV-unwrapping tasks – in one click.
TexTools add-on (& ideally some experience using it)
Viewport Context: UV-editor AND 3D View (like the ‘UV Editing’ layout) – run in the 3D View.
Material with a texture. (Set desired texel density in textools!)
Can serve two different goals:
A. Unwrap for reference texture mapping (for block-out models – not for baking)
B. Quick & dirty packing (for baking). Note: If you want 100% optimal UV’s, this may just be ‘a starting point’
Redo Panel options to accomodate these methods/goals:
Auto-Seam: (via Select Sharp Angles). If not, user-assigned seams may be needed
Auto-Pack: Regular UV Pack with margin tweak only. Note: Texel density will be ignored
Canvas Align (Stack): Place each UV island on specified canvas location. Default is 0,0 (bottom left)
Always applied:
[Select] EmptyParent (New)
Parent objects to auto-created Empty for simple grouping purposes. Options in the redo panel:
Tip: Customize preferred defaults in shortcut (and export kekit prefs)
Parent the selected objects, or the collection the active object belongs to
Empty created at Active Object Origin, Cursor or Origo
Empty can optionally inherit rotation from Active Obj or Cursor
Empty display size and type can be set
Parenting using default, Keep Transform, No Inverse or Keep + No Inverse modes
[Select] Ortho Snap (Re-Newed)
Ortho Snap is back! (Operator also renamed to ‘Ortho Snap’ for easier shortcut managment)
I missed it. Often better than (just) the vanilla Axis Snap. Also works well in addition.
[Geo] Unhide or Local Off (Fix)
Now restores transforms when Zero Local has been used (not just report)
[Select] VP Flip (Upd)
VP Flip is now “unlisted” in kekit panels. Too wonky and niche to support, but keeping it in for now. The operator is still available in search or shortcut editor.
[kit] Prefs (Upd/Fix)
The operator manifest list has been neglected for a few updates, but is now updated and semi-automated (in the backend) to make it easier to for me to manage
You should export kekit prefs after upgrading!