Auto Bake is an addon for automating the processes around texture baking. Auto Bake bakes and exports textures, creates baked versions of objects with auto texture and material setups, has a built-in object exporter, and includes many more useful features. The goal of Auto Bake is to provide a fully automated, seamless workflow while ensuring simplicity and full control at every step.
Set what texture you want to bake in the bake list, and in what size. Choose from various bake types; check the full list here.
Select the objects in the viewport you want to bake.
Click on the bake button to start baking all the set textures in the bake list for all the selected objects. Both the textures and objects have their own queue, where you can follow their bake status.
After the textures are baked for all the objects, you can review the results for the bake queues. It’s useful when a texture or object failed to bake, and it will show the exact reason why.
Textures can be exported using the ‘Export’ button. Textures can also be set to export automatically right after they’re baked, using the checkbox next to the ‘Export’ button.
Extended Shader Support: Other than the Principled BSDF node, 7 other shader nodes (Hair BSDF, Toon BSDF, Glossy BSDF, Volume Absorption, Volume Scatter, Subsurface Scattering, Principled Volume, Principled Hair BSDF) are fully supported. The rest of the shaders are partly, meaning not all the input sockets. Exact details are above in the Shader Support section
Final Material Shader: Option to set what shader node to use for the final material. All the newly, fully and partly supported shader nodes are available to choose from
Shared Textures: Bake multiple objects onto the same textures (sharing them). Previously the object had to be merged in order to bake them onto the same textures. With the Shared Textures option enabled the Prefix is used, if none the first object in the bake is used for naming
Adaptive Margin: Option to automatically change the margin size based on the baked texture’s size. If it’s turned on, the set margin size is for 1024×1024 textures, and the margin will change correspondingly
Active as Final: When baking with Selected to Active, the Active/Target object can set to be used as the Final object. In this case the Final Material will be applied to the Active object and the Final Object settings will be irrelevant since won’t effect the Active object. Otherwise expect default Final Object behavior for the Active object
Sampling: Sampling settings now by default are divided into two categories and they got their own panels. One named “Low” and the other panel/category named “High”. These two sampling settings are used and picked automatically for different bake types. So textures, thus bake results quality is not depending on sampling count can be baked with low sampling settings to save time, and for types like the Combined, Ambient Occlusion and others (detailed in the Auto Select’s tooltip) that need high sampling settings for good results will be baked using the high sampling settings. These sampling settings won’t affect the render settings. The old sampling system can also be used, where there is only one sampling settings for all the bake types, and what is also used for rendering
Ambient Occlusion (Node): Ambient Occlusion can now also be baked using the new Ambient Occlusion shader node (the other Ambient Occlusion is also still available). It has its own bake type and its own item specific settings, including the node’s sample, inside, only local, and distance inputs. The bake type also got another option for the sampling, which is to either use the node’s sample rate, or the high sampling settings
Pointiness: Object’s pointiness can now be baked using the new Pointiness bake type. It also has a brightness and contrast sliders for more control
Channel Packing (Composite): The new Ambient Occlusion and Pointiness bake types are available to use for channel packing (composite)
List Layout Padding: The padding for the bake lists and their buttons can be chosen from three different types. One with maximum padding (almost the same as in 1.4 and before), one with moderate padding (the buttons are more aligned and have less padding, this is the default now), and one with no padding (a compact design to not waste space with padding)
Active as Target (Selection Helper): When loading the selected objects from the viewport, is now an option in the button’s popup window, to load the viewport’s active object as the new target object in the selection helper
Multires Viewport Level: The multires bake types got an optional new item specific setting to set what viewport level to use for the multires modifiers when baking