Water Caustics on depth specific for Eevee are finally here. They are Smoothed Voronoi Based Caustics that goes in combination with the depth compound and that will add even more realism and features to your water scenes. They are strictly linked with water surface sharing vector coordinates trough a rewritten vector compound system.
The Voronoi System will technically works in Cycles too , but i strongly reccomend to use the Cast Shadow Caustics function integrated and specific for Cycles to achieve your best high quality result.
The Water Shader will fully support the shadow caustics usage if you setup the lights to be shadow caustics caster as well as the Water surface, and the objects in the scene as receivers.
Chromatic dispersion is also supported by plugging different phase offsets on the RGB Channel of caustics combine node. (i reccomend to use it in render only if needed because will affect performances with few FPS drops)
These renders animation are done in Eevee with a day and night setup.
Light Range mask can make the job perfect for night scenes.
CHANGELIST ver. 1.1:
-Minor Fixes on Turbidity Blending now providing a proper diffuse lighting behavior on mixed parts.
-Depth Compound has now a Principled BSDF instead of a simple diffuse for correct material blending. Roughness and metalness are exposed per Object in the depth Compound.
-New Compound Structure to better control animation and look.
-Smooth Voronoi Based Caustics with Few Compounds to give full control on the appeal.
-Integrated Caustics in the Depth Compound.
-Chromatic Dispersion on Caustics is possible trough splitting of RGB Components.
– New basic demo file available :”Caustics Pool”. take a look for material setup
-Turbidity will mask Caustics visibility based on the Turbidity Amount Factor and smoothness.
-Closed compound for tiling and coordinates to get same data for Caustics too.