we’ve got something incredibly exciting lined up for you: the all-new, Geometry Nodes-based Cell Fracture modifier for Blender 4.1! Imagine being able to create stunning, realistic breakage effects with just a few clicks!
20240421: Added a Separate Islands checkbox which will skip the mesh island separation in the first Recursion Iteration if set to False
How to use:
Append the Cell Fracture nodegroup to your scene and use it on an object
Cell Generation: Set to Mesh Boolean if a the Voronoi Cells should be intersected with the input mesh. If set to Convex Hull the whole mesh will be treated as such
Count: Number of initial Points per Mesh Island per Recursion
Gap: Additional gap between each voronoi cell
Scale: Scale which will be applied before and after cell fracturing (can be used to create splinters)
Seed: Seed for the random position of the cells
Proximity – Curves: Curve object for the proximity of the points
Proximity – Factor: Moves the random points closer to the nearest evaluated curve point (useful for glass shattering)
Recursion – Iterations: Number of Iterations of the Cell Fracture algorithm
Recursion – Probability: Random Probability if a Mesh Island should be fractured again
Recursion – Seed: Seed for Probability
Boolean Options: Same as in the Mesh Boolean node 5
Optimizations – Triangulate: Triangulates the mesh before fracturing it (useful on flat shaded meshes with quads or n-gons to avoid visual artifacts)
Optimizations – Auto Convex Hull: Will automatically switch to Convex Hull Cell Generation if Mesh Boolean is activated but the mesh is convex
Optimizations – Delete Outside Points: Deletes all points that are outside of the input mesh
Optimizations – Interior Attribute: Creates a “inside” attribute for every face that was created from the Voronoi Fracture
Optimizations – Separate Islands: Separates the Mesh Islands on the first Recursion Iteration. Set to False if you have a closed mesh with wall thickness
I definetly recommend using the Bake node for this as it can get out of hand really quick when using Recursion! For example a default cube with Count set to 15 and 4 Recursion Iterations resulted in over 30,000 mesh islands (takes quite some time to compute):
For anyone interested in my thought process and how this works:
I am definetly going to improve this nodegroup in the future when i have some time! There are some known issues with this setup and the fracturing itself could also be done more realistically. But i think it is a good starting point for anyone looking for a geometry nodes based cell fracturing method.