My geometry nodes are a collection of general-purpose tools intended to be used as modifiers or incorporated into larger setups. Most don’t make anything extravagant on their own, they are tools, and like any good tool, they should simplify the tasks they are designed to solve. My overall approach to GeoNode assets is based on two ideas; a node asset collection is a toolbox, and a tool is only useful when you can use it. With that in mind, my nodes are intentionally somewhat “generic” so I can use them as often as possible and for a wide variety of applications, as opposed to depth toward a single application.
As to the nodes themselves, some were made as solutions to specific problems, such as modeling plants or buildings. Many of them are setups that I caught myself making and remaking in multiple files, whenever that happens, I try to make note of it as a good potential asset. Most of the nodes in the collection were extracted from my own project files, with a few (or many) features added. Each node is a tool that I have found useful for creating something, at some point in time.