LeoMoon TextCounter is an easy to use text animation plugin for Blender that can be used to make GUI simulations.
Animated count by keying start and end numbers
Ability to count backwards
Positive and negative numbers are supported
Ability to add padding
Ability to add decimal
Ability to add postfix text
Ability to animate any button and element
Ability to use expressions to show another object’s property
Ability to add time counter
And the most important feature, GPL
Amin Babaeipanah
Marcin Zielinski
Patrick W. Crawford
1.4.0 2023-03-09: Fixed expression and animation lag when rendering
1.3.6 2021-06-03: Fixed compatibility issue for Blender 2.93 and 3.0
1.3.5: Fixed text grouping bug
1.3.4: Fixed dynamic section not updating while rendering
1.3.3: Fixed animation not updating while rendering
1.3.2: Fixed Blender 2.80 API warnings
1.3.1: Added support for Blender 2.8 and bug fixes
1.3.0: Improved abbreviation support with decimals
1.2.0: Time counter with many options
1.1.0: Overriding counter with lines from text file
1.0.0: First public release
Open Blender and go to File -> User Preferences… -> Addons
Click on “Install from File…” and select “leomoon-textcounter.zip”
After installation, the new plugin should show up and you can enable it
If it doesn’t search for “text” and enable the plugin
Close “User Preferences…” and create a text object
Go to “Font object data” tab (tab with “F” icon)
Scroll all the way to the bottom to use the plugin