keKit is a General Tool-Kit Add-On for Blender
- Extensive options for customizing & optimizing workflows.
- An all-in-one collection of Scripts, Tools, Macros and Pie-Menus, etc.
- Modular – The kit is composed of separate modules that can be enabled or disabled.
- At your discretion – No preset shortcuts.
Instructions: HERE!
- Installation/Update instructions + WIKI & Release log
Support Page: HERE!
- Please report any bugs/issues using the support form! This is the only valid reporting method.
Public discussions: HERE!
[Render] Unwrap Macro (NEW)
A (relatively) simple macro script to do common (for me) UV-unwrapping tasks – in one click.
TexTools add-on (& ideally some experience using it)
Viewport Context: UV-editor AND 3D View (like the ‘UV Editing’ layout) – run in the 3D View.
Material with a texture. (Set desired texel density in textools!)
Can serve two different goals:
A. Unwrap for reference texture mapping (for block-out models – not for baking)
B. Quick & dirty packing (for baking). Note: If you want 100% optimal UV’s, this may just be ‘a starting point’
Redo Panel options to accomodate these methods/goals:
Auto-Seam: (via Select Sharp Angles). If not, user-assigned seams may be needed
Auto-Pack: Regular UV Pack with margin tweak only. Note: Texel density will be ignored
Canvas Align (Stack): Place each UV island on specified canvas location. Default is 0,0 (bottom left)
Always applied:
Align World: (TexTools Align World) Align UV islands to their world orientation
Texel Density: Scales UV Islands to match density specified in TexTools
Object Mode: Process entire mesh
Edit Mode: Process selected faces
Result examples: IMAGE
[Geo] Grid Scale Toggle (NEW)
Toggles between 4 Grid Scale Factor values for the 3D Viewport
Also in keOverlays Pie Menu
Values hardcoded (for now): 1.0, 0.5, 0.25 & 0.1
[Clean-Up] Clean Unused Materials & Slots (NEW)
Like the vanilla “Remove Unused Materials” but also removes empty slots from selected object(s)
[Geo] QuickMeasure (Upd/Fix)
You can now convert from face selection in BBox display mode to vert/edge selection & keep the selection
Console output (no-selection) error spam fixed
[Render] Get & Set Material (Upd)
No longer requires selected object (Auto-selects context object if unselected)
[Pie] keOverlay(Upd)
Added Grid Scale preset buttons
Reworked Layout
[Geo] FitPrim (fix)
Slightly improved viewport refresh on multiple 3d viewports (though 3d-line lengths are still offset on extra viewports)