Set keymap for Gizmo (Q,W,E,R), Alt Viewing (Alt + Left/Middle Mouse)
It is an add-on, not a key config file.
So you can partially switch the activation state.
ギズモ (Q,W,E,R)と、Altでの視点操作(Alt + Left/Middle Mouse)をキーマップ設定するアドオン
A checkbox enables you to enable / disable keymap.
It will not be saved if you change it with keymap list of this addon.
Please search and change at the ‘Keymap’ tab.
Extrude(E) → E + Ctrl
Quick Favorites(Q) is Not compatible
Loop Select(alt + Click) → Alt + DoubleClick
Pro Version
This add-on is a lite version.
The pro version allows you to register more keymap presets.