Unfurl the charm of “Neighborhood Shops,” the quintessential backdrop for stories around every corner. Pop into the local corner market, or uncover tales of trinkets and treasures in a time-worn pawn shop. Hear the clang and buzz from the local garage, indulge in the alluring aroma of a fresh-baked loaf at the bakery, or witness age-old craftsmanship at the town’s trusted butcher. This Cargo Exclusive is brimming with an array of props, granting you the freedom to populate and customize each scene precisely to your storytelling vision. The pulse of daily life awaits; delve into the scenes that make neighborhoods feel like home.
Neighborhood Shops
As part of our mission to enable and inspire creators of the virtual frontier, we hold ourselves to a high standard. We’re always looking ahead to stay on top of technology trends, ensuring the assets we build are premium quality to meet the needs and expectations of any film or game studio in the industry.