Adobe Illustrator is an industry-standard vector graphics application widely used by designers in a variety of digital, illustration, and print industries to develop all types of media assets, such as printed materials, online content, interactive experiences, videos, and more. mobile applications.
Create vector graphics in a program used by professionals. Explore everything from web and mobile graphics to logos, icons, illustrations, packaging design and billboards. Enjoy creative freedom with Adobe Illustrator !
Benefits of Adobe Illustrator 2024:
– Apply vector graphics to an image using the Layout feature (Beta)
Add vector graphics to 2D raster objects and they will automatically adjust the objects to their geometry.
– Editing static text on images with the “Retype” (Beta) feature
Define the fonts of static text used in bitmaps and outlined text to edit them as interactive text.
– Simplify contours using the Smooth slider
Control the smoothing of contours using the slider.
– Create sharing links for PDFs using Share for Review
Create direct links to PDFs for feedback.