Tiny Eye is a FREE, fully procedural, stylised eye that works in Eevee and Cycles (Blender). Since I put this together to speed up my workflow, it was crucial that the properties remain Minimal & Straightforward.
I’d love to see it used in your works! #tinyeyeb3d
Demo Video
shows you how to set it up and explains all the function
Asset Browser Library
it only grows from here!
Iris, Pupil & Cornea Shape Keys
Iris Node Properties
The properties are arranged to be tweaked from Top to Bottom
Sclera Node Properties
How To Set Up (click to watch instead)
Q1 – How do you bake/export textures?
A1 – At the moment, you would have to dive into the Node groups and bake textures the old school way. Honestly, I made this eye to work only in Blender because it’s where I do all my works. But I promise once I find a solution and have the time, I’ll drop an update including a demo vid.
Q2 – Why can’t I see the eye after dropping it into the scene?
A2 – Since Tiny Eye was modelled according to scale (25mm in Diameter), it’s really small. After dragging it into the scene:
1. Make sure the Eyeball is selected
2. press Alt + G to reset it’s location
3. Then press Numpad “.” or F3 and search for “Frame Selected”
Q3 – Why does the Iris appear black?
A3 – Under “Render Properties”, scroll down to “Light Paths” and increase “Transparent Light Paths” until it’s no longer black.
Q4 – Why is the default blend file in version 3.3.1?
A4 – Because they revised the mix node in version 3.4 onwards. Since it’s forward compatible, it will work just fine in later versions.
Q5 • Why is it so laggy?
A5 • 3:23