Volumetric Space Nebula Procedural Generator designed for next-gen space games. It uses volumetric shader to render realistic scenes in real-time.
on! Volumetric rendering is computationally intensive! It requires the modern GPU for a stable framerate.
Tested on RTX 3060 (High quality, 1920×1080 resolution)
Average FPS: 60-80
Average FPS with DLSS: 120-160
Technical Details
Easy to use
Customizable parameters of generation
Volumetric rendering technology
15 example nebulae are included
4 quality levels for desired balance between quality and performance
4 starfield skyboxes are included
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances: 8 Materials and 4 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 64
Texture Resolutions:
28 Volume Textures (256 x 256 x 256)
28 Textures (4096 x 4096)
1 Volume Texture (64 x 64 x 64)
1 Texture (512 x 512)
1 Volume Texture (16 x 16 x 16)
1 Texture (64 x 64)
4 Texture Cube (8192 x 4096)