This is an American style ambulance, with a multiplayer-ready driving. Sounds, lights, animations and particles are included.
Fully replicated for multiplayer
Advanced Drivable Blueprint – Burnouts, screeching, tire decals, a complete lighting system (headlights/night-mode, brakes, indicators), engine/tire sounds, and satisfying physics. Drag and drop, and supports character controller switching.
Functional odometer/RPM + animated gear stick/steering wheel
Animated, sound effects, sirens, particles – Game-ready and optimized!
Complete & Game Ready
This asset is game-ready. It contains animations, sound effects, and particles so you can be confident you are purchasing an actual game-ready asset, that can be drag-and-dropped, without requiring additional sounds or particles. The only setup required is for your character controller (<5 mins).
Drivable – Custom Skeleton and Skeletal Mesh
An advanced replicated drivable demo is included. Control the doors/boot/hood, wheels, and steering wheel. The gear stick will animate as the car automatically shifts gears. Swap between interior/exterior view, to view a functional odometer + RPM meter. Stationary burnouts, momentum-based tire decals, and sound effects are included, as well as satisfying engine sounds. Particles are provided for the exhaust, burnouts, and decals. The lights are fully set up with channel-packed emissive masks and configured lighting for realistic headlights (night mode), indicators, and brakes. These lights have been tested in different environments and look great out of the box.
A fully rigged Skeletal Mesh version of the vehicle is included. It has a custom skeleton and includes bones for:
Each Individual Wheel
Each Individual Door
Steering Wheel
Gear Stick
Interior and Bonuses
A high detailed interior, bottom/base, and engine are included. Flat tire variations are included and tires can be removed completely with 3D suspension and axles being visible. These vehicles will look good from any angle, inside out or upside down. They are highly modular and highly detailed.
Technical Details
Number Plates
Intentionally left blank. You can modify the texture, or attach your own model to suit your game’s world!
Technical Features:
BP_FirstPersonCharacter (Basic FPS character that has been modified to send interaction events to the vehicle)
3 Demo Maps