Horse Herd 2.0 update released!
Skeleton optimized.
New animations were added (see the list below).
There are now two versions of each locomotion animation: in-place and root motion.
Reins are separated from the main skeletal mesh and are now attached through the socket.
WARNING! The new horse is not compatible with the previous skeleton. Consider the pros and cons before replacing the old one in your project.
Presentation videos:
3D Asset Video Preview
Animations Video Preview
(All images in the gallery rendered in Unreal Engine)
The pack contains an animated horse model with a set of horse tack.
Horse model with mane and tail: 24,254 Tris, 17,149 Verts
Facial hair: 380 Tris, 618 Verts
Saddle: 6685 Tris, 3,536 Verts
Headset: 3,600 Tris, 1830 Verts
Reins: 924 Tris, 720 Verts
Pad: 948 Tris, 530 Verts.
5 Texture sets – Body, Hair, Iris, Saddle, Headset
PBR Textures Metall/Roughness
Horse body: 4K Textures – normal, roughness, 8 base colors albedo maps, directional map for fur anisotropy effect.
7 masks for different spot combinations: 2 body masks, 4 facial masks, 1 legs mask. 512×512 resolution used in the shader. 4K included.
Hair: 2K Textures – normal, opacity, ID, root map, ao – used in the material from the preview (the materials are included in the package). Additional maps: depth, directional, and flow.
Eyes: 2K Textures – 5 colors albedo maps.
Saddle and pad: 4K Textures – normal, roughness, metalness, 3 different colors albedo maps. Height map included.
Headset and reins: 4K Textures – normal, roughness, metalness, 2 different colors albedo maps. Height map included.
Horse skeleton: 136 bones in the skeleton (44 of them are facial bones)
Reins skeleton: 32 bones. Goes as a separate prop, that can be attached to the horse head bone socket.
54 Animations for the horse
29 locomotions: (two versions for each: in-place and root motion)
6 Walk animations: forward, turn left, turn right, walk backward, rotating backward left and right;
3 Trot animations: forward, trot right, trot left;
3 Canter: forward, turn left, turn right;
3 Gallop: forward, turn left, turn right;
6 Swim movements: swim forward, left and right, swim backward, backward left and right;
2 Turns on place: right and left;
1 Jump;
4 Falling states: starting from the edge, falling high, falling low, landing;
1 Grazing (eating);
11 Steady animations:
4 Idle animations: basic idle, look left, look right, head shake;
1 Swim idle;
3 Back attacks: Kick with both legs, left leg kick, and right leg kick;
2 Death animations: Falling dead on right and left sides;
1 Rearing;
14 additive motions:
3 Eyes animations: Blink, Close right eye, Close left eye;
2 Pinning ears back: Pin right ear back, Pin left ear back;
1 Nostril breathing;
1 Neigh (mouth opening);
7 Tail poses: High lifted up the tail straight, to the left and to the right; middle raised up left and right, and neutral pose
The newer version contains rider anim is it possible?
no idea