Camera360v2 – camera system for video and screenshot (cubemap 4×3, facebook 3×2, pano2VR 3×2, EAC, GearVR 6×1, 360, Fulldome, Cilindrical, Stereo)
This is a complete set of all available solutions for rendering various directions. This product contains additional solutions that can be useful in everyday work.
Trailer: Video
Video result: Electric Dreams Env, Archviz (FullDome), Ancient World (360), Slay Animation (360)
Video Stereo Lumen: Electric Dream Stereo, 360 Stereo Forest, Archviz Stereo Lumen
Video Tutorials Camera360v2: Tutorials playlist
Video Tutorials Canera360v1: Link
Help Forum Camera360v2: forum
Help Forum Camera360v1: forum
Documentation: Link
Included Camera 360v1 and Camera 360v2.
included Camera 360 v1 (more information). NEWS 11.04.2023. I took the 360 v1 camera off sale. Technical support for the first version remains unchanged. I will also keep Camera 360 v1 up to date when updating the engine. But there is no way to purchase Camera360v1 anymore.
Camera 360v2.
Raytracing, PathTracing, Lumen working(information)
Cubemap 4×3, 3×2 (FaceBook, pano2VR, EAC) GearVR 6×1, Mono 2d, Cilindrical, 360, FullDome, Stereo, Face;
Spherical mirror;
Stereo 360 and FullDome PathTracing. Stereo development is complete. All modes are working..
Stereo (360, Cilindrical, VR180, FullDome) for Lumen: information
Sequencer, Movie Render;
Not using Render Targets or Scene Capture 2D.
Converter to Image or Video;
Custom Projection.
Support in 6 task solution: Render Pass, Stencil Layer, Alpha channel.