Drive your freelance motion design career to the next level with a repeatable method of finding, contacting, and landing clients. You’ll learn new ways of identifying prospects and nurturing leads, plus how to develop a freelance philosophy that keeps you thriving through chaos. See this system in action so you can implement it yourself!
The Freelance Mindset
Adopt a strategic attitude toward freelance that will serve your career long-term, keeping you out of the mind traps that many freelancers fall into.
Hunting for Clients
Conquer your fear of sales once and for all with proven tactics for finding, targeting, contacting, and managing prospective clients.
Make Yourself Bookable
Put your best foot forward with tips for a more memorable portfolio and convincing social presence. Then land on two feet with pointers for tricky budget conversations and navigating the hold system.
The Art and Science of Getting Booked
Learn the internet wizardry behind modern lead-generation tools like LinkedIn and Google to find ideal prospects and convert them into leads at the ready.
Copywriting for Motion Designers
Put down the pen tool and pick up your pencils. Learn how to write emails and posts that get results with copywriting best practices for better hooks, pitches, and calls to action.
Expert Interviews
Get first-hand insight and advice from successful motion designers Emonee Larussa, Austin Saylor, Stefan Green (Ordinary Folk), Erin Sarofsky and Yann L’Homme (Thinkmojo).
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