Continuum 2023 (v16.0.3) for OFX – Release Notes
Continuum 2023 (v16.0.3) is a maintenance update to Continuum 2023 versions 16.0.0 and 16.0.1 and is a free update for licensed users of Continuum 2023. It includes several important fixes and feature enhancements (see below).
Fixes and Enhancements in Continuum 2023 v16.0.3 for OFX:
Dongle Licensing now supported on arm64 Apple Silicon hardware (M1, M2, etc.)
Title Studio – In TS UI, can’t playback in timeline when Preview mode is set to draft quality and when composite over background is selected
OFX – 2D Particles filter is missing icon
OFX – Fix incorrect geometry in BCC+ Transform, BCC+ Composite, etc. when at downsampled resolutions in OFX hosts.
Vegas – Some BCC filters showed incorrect geoemetry when opening projects when host is in downsampled resolution. (Previously required going to full resolution and then back to downsampled resolution in order to see the correct results.)
Improved error diagnostics
Continuum 2023 (BCC 16.0.3) for OFX was released on 1/24/2023.
Continuum 2023 (v16.0.3) for OFX (OpenFX) officially supports the following host applications:
Note that Continuum OFX may work to varying degrees in other OFX hosts, but at this time it is only officially supported in Resolve, Vegas Pro, and Nuke. Note that official Resolve support does not yet include the embedded Fusion page within Resolve. Note that the Apple App Store version of Resolve is not fully supported and direct downloads of Resolve from the Blackmagic Design site should be used instead.
macOS 10.14, 10.15, 11.x, 12.x (up to OS version at time of Continuum release and as appropriate for the host version in use): Note, Continuum supports running natively on M1/ARM64 native chipsets for host versions which themselves support running natively on M1/ARM64. [Up to host versions released at time of Continuum release]:
DaVinci Resolve Studio and DaVinci Resolve 17.x, 18.x
Nuke 12, 13
Windows 10 x64 and Windows 11 [Up to host versions released at time of Continuum release]:
DaVinci Resolve Studio and DaVinci Resolve 17.x, 18.x
19, 20 (Magix)
Nuke 12, 13 (4k monitor support on windows requires Nuke 12.1 or higher)