Start creating with a fully Non-Destructive Landscape workflow in Unreal Engine. This is a massive (20GB+) collection of realistic 8k Smart Brushes, Distance meshes, and Automaterial. Optimized for real-time. Use #brushify to support the project!
This pack contains all the Brushify alpha brushes combined in a single product. It also contains 18 additional alpha brushes not available in the individual Brushify packs.
Brushify Smart Brushes allow you to non-destructively edit the landscape. Each brush comes with it’s own blueprint so it can be used with Epic Games Landmass Plugin.
Disclaimer: If you have purchased other Brushify products you may already own some of the Brushes included in this package.
Want to add a detailed background vista, but you don’t want the cost? Use Distance meshes, they are optimized geometry that are purpose built to match the playable landscape. A great way to extend your world far into the horizon without affecting performance.
The Alpha Brushes / Distance Meshes are generated from Real-World Height data which is then texturized to create realistic high resolution results.
This product all the Brushify distance meshes combined in a single product.
Ready Made Example Levels allow you to jump start your creativity. Immediately begin adding Brushify sculpting brushes to create interesting landscapes.
The famous Brushify Landscape Automaterial is the fastest way to build detailed fully playable landscapes. Optimized for Massive Worlds 64km^2 or more. This material allows users to paint multiple biomes with ease across huge landscapes. Each biome is it’s own Automatic Paint Layer. There are 11 landscape layers for you to choose from including Grass, Desert, Forest, Snow, Beach, Dunes, Mud, Craters.
Simply apply this material to any landscape and it will be automatically textured and covered with optimized Rocks/Grass which match that biome.
Supports Runtime Virtual Texturing (RVT), Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM), Tri-planar mapping, Tessellation/Height, Roughness, Reduced Distance Tiling Feature, 3 stage Level Of Detail system (Far, Medium and Near), optimized Shader overdraw and Flow mapping.
The entire shader is fully modular in design and functions can be removed and customized in order to streamline the system to your project.
Brushify packs can easily be merged together, in the Epic launcher, click ‘Add to project’ then choose ‘Overwrite files’. This is required because Brushify packs share some generic objects, textures and shaders.
hey bro, we have to download all links for it to work or just one link?
the links which you have provided is damn slow to download.
Please we need another links so we can download fast
landmass blue print error
have anybody checked? is it working fine?
how can i install this
ask in discord
Unreal Engine 5 – Brushify – SmartBrush System FULL Crack Download
Hey brother, the link of part 2 gives an error when downloading.
mfer stop posting same shit twice
hi bro,
Links are not working.
try now
Is it possible to have a drive link please?
for donators only
The part 5 link is not working
Most links are not working
contact on discord