Blender 3.1+ Ultimate Trim Sheet & Decal Pack 2.5 COMPLETE Crack Download
This product contains:
12 Sci-Fi Trim Sheets (4k res) – 10 of them come fully textured as well not textured (texturing is consistent via all 10 trims, so they work well together).
460 decals (including normal map decals and info decals – 2k res)
11 ID Trim Sheet ID maps, so you can create your own textures in Quixel Mixer or Substance Painter, etc.
All decals and trim sheets are Decal Machine ready (Blender addon).
This pack includes ALL of Blender Bros decals and Trims sheets. .
Total retail value is $297 – yours today for ONLY $97! You Save $200!
Watch this short video that shows all decal packs and trim sheets in great detail, so you will know exactly what you are getting.
Here are few examples of trim sheets and decals being used on models in Blender.
Non-Textured Trim Sheet (Blender basic BSDF mat)
The best way to maximize your detailing is to use both trim sheets and decals. This pack contains both. Trim sheets and decals should be complements to each other, and they both serve their own purpose. Decals and trims can be used for texturing game assets.
To learn more about trim sheets, we’d recommend grabbing our A-Z Environment Design Using Trim Sheets course:
Textured Trim Sheet
Emissive UI Decals
Decals and Trim Sheets are FANTASTIC for adding tertiary details to your models. Here are some examples of Decals and Trims applied to models from our hard surface courses for Blender.
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